
Invitation Suite...Revealed!

Ok. I simply cannot withold our invitations any longer! I am so excited about the way they turned out and quite proud of Patrick and myself for creating them ourselves. We are so close to the RSVP deadline that I figure our guests have at least seen them before, therefore no shame in revealing them:

There's our invite, RSVP card and info card.
That little tag I created to tie
everything together with twine!
I think they tie in very well with Patrick's Save-the-Date design! I've got to find a way to display them in our home...

The whole suite!
The back of the invite, all tied up and ready to be put in our envelopes.
This is how the bundle looks. I like that it came out simple,
and vintage-y in the black and white, with the pop of blue!
Ooh! I used a rose stamp for the back of the RSVP envelopes to give a small sweet flourish to the RSVPs for the guests (and, I'll admit --- to spruce up the plain white envelopes).

Using the address stamp! Best postage purchase ever!
We printed them through the same website as our Save-the-Dates and I think, saved a bundle! Plus --- there is always an quick and easy way to order extras should I mess up the envelopes...not that I did...

All done! Ready to be sent out!
I may have briefly mentioned that this was a labor of love. That being said, we've had loads of lovely compliments on the invites, and they are 100% us. I'm glad/lucky to be in a relationship with someone who's completely creative and willing to let me DIY my little heart out on our wedding. 

Patrick and I proof-read them like it was our job before we printed, and as soon as we received the prints in the mail, we got to work on stamping, tying, postage-stamping, and sealing. Until over 80 invites were ready to head out!

Receiving the RSVPs in the mail these past couple of weeks have been so much fun! It's like a little prezzie in the mail almost every day! {It's one of my favorite parts of wedding planning}

Did anyone else DIY or semi-DIY their invites? What's your story like?


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