
My E-Ring!

So, you've got the love story. Now...for the shiny part...

My Engagement Ring! He did a good job!

Nestled amongst...blue roses!

A Princess-cut Leo Diamond in a white gold, art deco setting. LOVE!
I am so happy with it. I think that he really gave me a one of a kind ring that speaks of who I really am. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful symbol of our love.



  1. Oh my goodness! That ring is GORGEOUS! I really love the art deco setting, it's so unique and beautiful. Congrats!

    I am a new follower to your blog (I found it on weddingbee) and just wanted to say hi!

  2. Thanks, Danielle! That is so sweet! :)
    It really is very me! My FI and I both ADORE art deco, so it really fits. We want to incorporate it into our Wedding theme! It's all so exciting.

    Weddingbee is SO amazing isn't it? Thanks for following, we'll talk soon!
    <3 Micah
