Finally...more recaps! Sorry this has taken so long! Now that I am officially on maternity leave (EEK!) I should post more regularly (of course, depending on when the little one decides to get here). I am sorry for really disappearing. If any one is still following me, thank you and I am humbled by your faith in me. I want to be a better blogger again, I had so much fun planning the wedding, and after already a year of marriage, I am saddened by my dropping the ball with postings. I will be trying my darnedest to keep going! Especially during my wait for baby! Anyway...RECAP!
My eyes popped open on the morning of our wedding to overcast skies...but I couldn't care less! I was up, it was early, and we were getting married! We ate breakfast, I showered and we hopped in the car to the hair salon. I was meeting my bridesladies there and everything up until I pulled into the parking lot of the salon felt completely surreal. I found myself jokingly saying "yay!" when people asked how I felt. I was truthfully, completely overwhelmed and just hoping that we kept on time, and that P wouldn't see me on my way into the Towers!
Now, there are no pictures of me during the "transformation;" no before make-up pictures or before hair styles. I wanted to make the best use of my time with the photographer, and I thought prep pics could be covered at the Towers when we were adding our finishing touches (like MY DRESS!). So, that's why there aren't any before pictures! (Plus - no make up and me = yuck!).
I had my bridesmaids (including my MOH) get their hairs did first. And gave the waiting bridesmaids their gifties! I never did a post on what they were, but they were pretty sa-weet! The gift bags included:
- Flippie-Floppies - So they could get all comfy on the dance floor!
- Lip Gloss
- Tissue packets - for "Happy Tears"
- A water bottle - 'cause...y'know...
- Heart-shaped white sunglasses
- An individualized, personalized charm necklace with their initials and matching earrings (I was so thrilled, they all wore their jewelry that day)
- A hair flower that matched their dresses complete with a peacock feather (another DIY project, I should have posted! GAH!)
- A card that I wrote thanking them for being there for me
Then, it was my turn to sit in the salon chair. My hairstylist decided to adjust what we came up with from my hair trial and I must say, I LOVED it! My mom did my make up, and I think she did it perfectly: enhancing my features, but I never felt like I had too much make up on or, like I didn't look like myself. We headed home to meet up with the rest of the bridesmaids and pick up my dress to get going over to the Towers!
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After! (Sorry there's no before picture!) |
All ready for the dress! It was waiting for me, all hung up and pretty on my closet door and I was anxious to get it on. But that would have to wait until we got to the Towers!
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Here's my dress! I hadn't posted any pictures before in fear of Patrick accidentally seeing it. Here she is in all her lacy, beautiful glory! |
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My shoes, garters, our rings, my hair flower and peacock fan! |
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Giving Dad a See-You-At-The-Aisle Kiss! |
We had to kind of awkwardly sneak up to the Bridal room, and once there, I felt like I could allow the giddy feelings to take me over. I pulled on my undergarments and got ready to step into my dress. What a beautiful moment; to finally slip into the most precious piece of clothing I'd ever wear. I felt beautiful in it, and I knew Patrick would love it.
When that was done, my little sister, MOH, helped me into my glorious blue shoes!
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Surrounded by love! |
I slid my garters on and played with my two beautiful flower girls, who were getting excited: their big moment was coming too! After I was ready, the girls finished primping themselves and we waited.
I got a 'special telegram' visit from my soon-to-be mother-in-law! She brought my gorgeous something borrowed (a rhinestone bracelet) and my wedding gift from Patrick! I had sent my wedding present to him via bridesmaid :) and I was ready to see what was inside mine!
He wrote me such a sweet note on a vintage postcard from Capri, Italy (WHERE OUR AMAZING HONEYMOON WAS!) and gave me a beautiful white banded watch. On the face of the watch is a rotating 'hand' that eventually lines up letters to read "Love Knows Not What Time Is." Crying. Obviously. Its so beautiful! I love it so much! He also gave me a mini cupcake phone accessory and a Bane action figure, and a book called "Greene On Capri" written by someone named Greene who obviously had an amazing experience, like we were about to have, in Capri. (GOSH, does the man love me or what? Wee!)
I still had some time to wait before we'd be ushered upstairs to begin the ceremony. It was really nice to have a few moments to really collect myself and realize where I was and what was going on around me. Our day had finally arrived! After a year and a half of planning, crafting, stressing, making, arranging and debating. The day was here. We were about to be wed!
Next up, The Ceremony!