Hello all! I feel like I have been gone for years, it has been far too long. Here's what I have been doing for the past summer:
As you may know from my other
blog, I have been doing an
apprenticeship with Commonwealth Shakespeare Company in Boston! Little did I know that besides classes from 9am-5pm everyday, 6 days a week(...for 10 weeks!) I would be cast in the mainstage
"All's Well That Ends Well," the show that the professional company put on this year on the Common. It. Was. Amazing. And truly and deeply exhausting. To keep this lame excuse for not blogging very much this summer brief, let me simply say that I learned so much, gained invaluable acting experience, and a lot of strength of endurance physically, emotionally, and mentally.
(If you'd like to know more about my experience this summer with CSC, please go ahead and visit my other blog!)
From this program, which ended a mere five days ago, Patrick and I are diving right into a musical production being opened next week! (Thank goodness we have each other! And we are playing lovers, so not too difficult of roles ;-) ) So, as you might have guessed wedding planning this summer has been kind of slow.
I know what I need to do...I'm just so tired! |
But here's what I
have been doing a lot of is a lot of
thinking about things. Making little decisions with Patrick verbally and mulling over caterers and photographers. What I need to be doing is GETTING ON TOP OF THINGS! Because now there are 325 days left, (according to my Wedding Plandroid app on my new Thunderbolt phone! - I have two other Wedding apps. I need to stop) so I need to get on it. And believe me, the motivation is there, there is just one little thing that still needs to fall in place before I can go all-in wedding planning cray cray: I need a full-time job. One of those 9-5ers that can support me. So, in the midst of all my and Patrick's glorious wedding dreamings, I am interviewing like a madwoman!
Never fear! All is not lost! This post is not to say I have gotten nothing done whatsoever! I have in fact; started making paperflowers for our archway for the ceremony, gone to David's Bridal (a second time, I never got to post about the first) and I may or may or may not have decided on THE dress! I've also emailed a bunch of photographers, made a giant Excel document listing all the DIY projects I would like to do, added about 40 things to it, and we are planning a family budget dinner to discuss who is paying what for what (I know, joyous) for the wedding.
But guys, I am SO excited that now I can really start planning and getting things done. I am so looking forward to evenings of crafting with my bridesmaids, giggling about the honeymoon plans with P, and starting to really solidify our big day! From now on, there will be more frequent posts because this girl is getting her butt in gear and going forward!
P.S. Remember when
I showed you a sneak peakie? All the waiting will soon be over!!!!